Are you a new Student?

Teacher Tidbits Corner - JoAnne Stout - May 2021

I’ll never forget a good friend of mine reaching out to me about the studio. Knowing me as she does, she told me that she knew of a workout she knew I’d be sure to love. Fast forward six years later, and I’m now an instructor, and I have the opportunity to spread the passion I have for aerial to new students. When I love something I go all out, so in less than 12 months, with three of those occurring during the time of COVID-19 shutdown, I went to teacher training for all three hammock levels and for bungee fitness.

The Intro Beginner class is one of my favorites to instruct. I’ve had students come through that have ranged in age from 8 to 81. I’ve had husbands and wives come in together. I’ve taught a great grandmother, granddaughter, and great granddaughter. I’ve taught existing friends, and so many others that have become new friends. I’ve had the opportunity to instruct a bride and her bridesmaids, a birthday girl and her cohorts, and co-workers for team building outings. I’ve seen new mothers, mothers and daughters together, and grandmothers checking things off their bucket lists. Students are teachers, medical professionals, bankers, magicians, students, bus drivers, child care workers, stay at home moms, chemists, and from every other line of work. There have been students that are gymnasts, cheerleaders, body builders, those without an exercise program, and those that haven’t found a workout program that they love yet. Then there are the students that, during class, turn to me, and I see the same spark of passion in their eyes that reflects from mine. They’re hooked and quickly become part of our aerial family.

There are three things I’d like to impart to new and existing students. First, please do not measure your progress by comparing yourself to other students. Instead, look to your own progressions each week. What challenge have you now accomplished that was perhaps not doable a few weeks ago? Keep that mindset when meeting your next challenge. Everyone has their own “super power”, as Zina is known to say. Cheer each other on when a challenge is met. Secondly, “We train and coach for your long term success, not instant gratification”. That probably doesn’t need much clarification, but to me that means “slow your roll” and take your time progressing to each pose and each level. We’d like you to be part of our aerial family for a long time. Lastly, have fun. There’s a reason we call the studio “our happy place”! As they say advice is easier given than taken, so thankfully I have Zina by my side to remind me of these things!

To most of my intro classes, I tell the story of my very first class that I attended with my husband and which was taught by Karly. When it came time for the angel wing flip out, my husband went right over and to the ground. I, on the other hand, looked at Karly like she was crazy (same look I get from many students!), and I told her that I couldn’t. I did eventually do it, and I haven’t stopped flipping since. Take “can’t” out of your vocabulary and walk out of the studio feeling like so many have told me they felt - empowered, strong, graceful, determined, flexible, and happy.

See you at the studio!