Stable Joints

Zina's Aerialosophy _ (get it aerial + philosophy)__

April 2021

Last month we talked about how great Aerial fitness is for all body types and how important it is to have stable joints - Now let's talk about  how we keep our joints stable and what forces can affect our joint strength and stability.

Aerial fitness skills work in multiple planes (think 3d 360 globe vs 2d flat circle image).  It has an unstable surface that creates more of a three-dimensional effect in our joints in our body as we move in the fabric or another apparatus.  In order to keep a joint stable, this uses outside muscles and deep inside muscles to make us strong and stabilize our joints.  If we load too much weight at once without adapting, we can get stiff, sore, and injured.   This can affect your performance mentally and physically.  We also want to make sure our movement patterns are in good alignment so the joint can move freely without grinding, noises, and or pain.

Assuming no injury - Here are a few things to consider along your aerial fitness journey that can affect joints;  lack of muscle tone, overly tight muscles, hypermobility/double jointed, weight, forces, length of levers (picture arms and legs), and overuse with incorrect alignment or bad form.

Here are some examples that may make a difference for you. See if you can notice a theme. 

  • If you have low muscle tone, you will adapt and get stronger, it takes TIME.

  • If you have tight muscles causing you to feel stuck, find out why.  This takes TIME.

  • If you have hypermobile joints you have to strengthen the muscles around the joint.  This takes TIME.

  • If you are carrying extra body weight the muscles need TIME to get stronger. 

Creating stable joints take TIME, dedication, and determination to “DO YOU”!  It does pay off, ask our long term students!  There are so many things you can do in the meantime, so celebrate! Aerial fitness is a great accomplishment at all levels!!